Jet-ski accident victim Faye Grundy has given the gift of life to two babies through hospital transplants.

Faye, 17, died after the accident almost a year ago, but two of her heart valves have been used in operations to save the lives of two boys, aged ten months and nine months, at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.

The teenager, who lived in Benson and went to Wallingford School, carried a donor card for three years.

Both babies were born with seriously deformed hearts.

Faye would have been 18 in a few weeks' time and died after the accident on Queenford Lake near Berinsfield in August.

Her mother, Mandy Jones, of Crown Lane, Benson, said: "It's a lovely thing and Faye would have wanted it.

"She thought the world of children.

"It's a funny feeling that there is a bit of her in other people out there but I'm glad that she has helped some people."

Lo da Luz Vieira, a technician at the Oxford Heart Valve Bank at the John Radcliffe Hospital, said: "The babies would have died without the valve transplants - there is no question about it.

"They recovered miraculously after the operations and are both doing very well now."

Mrs Jones plans to build a £5,000 memorial shelter to Faye on the recreation ground in Benson and has applied for planning permission for it.

The family has been given £3,000 from people across the area in a fund for a memorial project for Faye and other young people since the accident.

Mrs Jones is currently involved in a dispute with the Diocese of Oxford over her preferred headstone for Faye's grave at the New Churchyard in Benson.

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