A businessman has offered a £1,000 reward for the return of precious videos stolen in a burglary.

The big-hearted east Oxford man, who wants to remain anonymous, contacted the Oxford Mail after reading how Gary Clark's irreplaceable recordings, featuring film of his cancer-victim son Jonathan, had been stolen.

Jonathan died in May after a 20-month battle against leukaemia. The five cassettes featured the 11-year-old on holiday and in Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital. They were taken when Mr Clark's home in Fettiplace Road, Barton, was ransacked by burglars, who stole more than £12,000-worth of valuables.

The theft of Mr Clark's camcorder means he will not be able to film his daughter Lisa, nine, who is one of the Carnival Queen's assistants at tomorrow's Barton Carnival.

The businessman said: "I have been touched by what's happened. I think it's horrible to do something like that. If it helps Mr Clark get his tapes back, then it will be worth it." He hopes other companies and individuals may offer to meet some of the £1,000 figure but, if not, he will pay out the full amount himself.

The businessman is also considering producing posters advertising the reward, which could be circulated in Barton and other areas.

The Oxford Mail's sister paper, The Oxford Times, has also offered a £100 reward. Mr Clark said of the pledges: "This has really touched me. It is very, very kind."

He said the one bright spot in a distressing week was the fact that Lisa would be taking part in tomorrow's carnival.

Mr Clark added: "I won't be able to film her, but I'll certainly have a camera with me."

Story date: Friday 03 September

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