BUSINESS leaders in Oxfordshire are urging the Government not to press ahead with plans to tax employee car parking spaces.

At a meeting with Andrew Smith, Chief Secretary to the Treasury and MP for Oxford East, members of the Oxfordshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry said without more investment in public transport the tax would simply be another burden on business.

Andy Corrigan, policy manager for the Thames Valley Chamber which includes Oxfordshire, said: "Measures like the car space tax and road tolls will have no effect on the level of business traffic in Oxfordshire, because in many areas of the county there is no viable alternative to the car.

"Investment in quality public transport must come first."

Chamber members also raised the issue of red tape and the difficulties it is creating for businesses, especially those competing against overseas firms.

Mr Smith told the meeting that there was a drive in Government to tackle red tape and that both new and existing regulations were being examined to assess their cost to business.

Chamber president Christopher Quinton said: "It was a very valuable opportunity for us to raise the concerns of our members at the highest level of Government."

Story date: Thursday 02 December

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