A trio of thieves who targeted foreign students were caught red-handed by a CCTV system, writes Mark Templeton.

The teenagers - dubbed 'dippers' because they stole from rucksacks and bags by dipping their hands in - had been stealing from overseas students.

But the Oxford city centre CCTV system captured the trio's actions and they were fined after appearing in court charged with theft.

The 17-camera system was set up earlier this year and has so far featured in 152 arrests. Police say video evidence is particularly important in cases involving foreign students or tourists because witnesses often leave the country before being called to court.

Dave White, a crime reduction officer with Thames Valley Police, said: "We can now use video evidence in court for cases where victims have left the country.

"It is helping us to secure convictions that otherwise may not have been possible.

"Foreign students and tourists are particularly vulnerable.

"They are prime targets for thieves because they often stand out from a crowd. But CCTV can capture incidents and identify suspects. It has proved invaluable." Cameras were first installed in Oxford's High Street in May as part of a £1.2m project.

The system was extended in June with cameras operated from a control room in St Aldate's police station.

Police said they were now awaiting news from the Home Office for up to £60,000 funding for cameras to cover Worcester Street and Park End Street.

The CCTV system was explained to councillors at a meeting of the City Council's language school forum yesterday.

Story date: Thursday 02 December

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