COURAGE Combined Counties League clubs have voted unanimously for the formation of another division.

The decision was taken because the league are worried that clubs could leave them as they improve their facilities up to Ryman League level and would prove difficult to replace.

Also, with floodlights now a pre-requisite, few clubs would be able to progress directly into the league from intermediate level.

This has been a concern for some time, but the situation is coming to a head because the Chiltonian League, one of the Combined Counties League's main feeder leagues, have opted to merge with the Hellenic League.

It is all subject to FA permission, but early signs are that permission will be granted. If so, Chiltonian clubs could be lost to the Combined Counties League forever. The Combined Counties, which includes Oxfordshire side AFC Wallingford, have formally applied to the FA for permission to form the extra division and the league meet the FA this evening to discuss the issue.

If successful, the league will be seeking applications from intermediate clubs within their catchment area who have the potential to develop their facilities up to the present Premier Division level.

Lights would not be necessary to play in the new division, but no club could be promoted to the Premier Division until they had all the required facilities, including lights.

Story date: Thursday 02 December

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