A scheme aimed at improving animal welfare in pet shops is being adopted in Oxford.

Councillors have given their backing to the RSPCA's "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?" campaign as pets are snapped up for Christmas presents.

The charity has written to every local authority asking them to review their pet shop policies.

Oxford City Councillors approved the scheme, which will see at least one annual vet inspection at each shop and spot checks. New applicants for pet shop licences will be asked to provide details on prosecutions for animal cruelty and pet shops will have to provide care information to new owners.

The RSPCA said the sale of exotic animals was their biggest problem, with many pet shop staff inexperienced about some species.

Joceline Tran, the charity's Local Government Campaigns Officer, said: "At best, animals can become bored.

"At worst, they are becoming sick, suffering injuries and being abandoned when the commitment hits home."

Story date: Tuesday 21 December

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