A pensioner has told how she was left lying in agony by a group of dog owners after their animals broke one of her legs.

Patricia Cole said the three women left her near the lake at Witney Country Park, saying they would get help. They never returned.

Mrs Cole, who is her 70s, was eventually rescued by a couple who called for an ambulance on their mobile phone. She is now recovering in Witney Community Hospital, but has been told it could be several weeks before the leg heals.

Mrs Cole lives with her husband James, who is in his late 70s, in Cogges, in Witney. He suffers from poor health and is worried about not being at home to care for him.

Mrs Cole, who was walking her daughter's dog Lance around Witney lake last Monday, said: "There were three women with a small child and two brown labradors. The dogs were playing and ran full pelt into me.

"I felt my leg crack and I was turned completely round and landed flat on my back. The three women started to walk off but I pleaded for help. One of them did help me to a seat but it was in the shade and soaking wet. I begged them not to leave me but they said they would be back and just disappeared.

"Another chap came by and said he would call an ambulance but nothing came of that. Eventually I managed to attract the attention of a couple and they were very kind and called an ambulance and stayed with me until it came.

"I am full of anger and very upset. I just cannot believe that these young women could treat me in this way. It is quite atrocious. It is an isolated area and I was in dreadful pain and very, very lonely."

She was first treated at Witney Community Hospital's minor injuries unit before being transferred to Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital.

"I was told that the break in my leg was caused by the direct impact of the heads of the dogs and was similar to being hit by a car.

"I've been told it could take at least ten weeks to heal and if it doesn't, I will have to have an operation."

Beat bobby Pc Colin Richards said he deplored the attitude of the people who failed to help Mrs Cole.

"It was a callous act and I expect much better from the people of Witney," he said.

Story date: Monday 31 January

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