Kevin Giles joined the game's elite with a magical 18-doll maximum to inspire the George A, Littlemore to a 3-0 victory over Cricketers A in the Morrells Oxford and District League.

With two sixes already under his belt, Giles needed three dolls to win the final leg, and did it in style by clanging of all six for a fanatastic full house.

Giles, from Wolvercote, who had twice bagged 17 before, said: "I knew I wanted three to win in the last leg and when I got the first three I thought I can get them all and when the last one came off what I said wasn't printable!" Elsewhere, in Section 9, Graham Morton hit 4, 4, 5 for The Fox, Barton - but could not save his team from a 3-0 defeat against a more consistent Star, Eynsham.

Bill Faux scored 14 dolls, including a six, in Cricketers C's 3-0 defeat of Catherine Wheel A in Section 10. Michael Moloney also scored a six for the losers.

Lawrence Harvey was in sparkling form with 3, 5, 5 for The Fishes in their local derby victory over George, Botley, 3-0.

John Cleaton included a six in his 12 dolls for the Cricketers, Littleworth, when they beat Section 11 opponents Shelley Arms 3-0.

An 11-doll haul for Derek Thomas helped Crown, Charlton-on-Otmoor, to a 3-0 victory over Seven Stars in Section 14.