New courses in learning, sport, music and the arts could be added to an adult education centre's programme if there is demand.

The chairman of the Wallingford centre, Carolyn Newbert, said: "The centre strives to be responsive to local interests and needs. Almost no subject is barred providing a tutor and sufficient people interested in learning about the subject can be found."

The centre is managed by a voluntary committee. But changes in the structure of community education mean the centre is looking for new people from a wide cross-section of interests in Wallingford and surrounding villages.

"This should help us be more in tune with, and responsive to, people's wishes," said Ms Newbert.

The group hopes to elect a steering committee on October 19 and then it will shadow the existing committee until April when it takes over the reins and manages the centre. Anyone interested can call Steve Reader or Ms Newbert on 01491 836710.