Headington Roadrunners enjoyed a clean sweep of the team prizes in the annual Burnham Beeches Half Marathon at Farnham.

Katharine LaFrance took four minutes off her previous best time for the distance to take the third senior women's prize.

Malcolm Bayer, in training for the Berlin Marathon in September, had a great run to finish second fastest man over 40.

Strength in depth secured the team prizes, with LaFrance, Helen Turvey and Louise Dennis securing the women's trophies.

Meanwhile, Matt Barnes and Roger Thetford finished tenth and 11th respectively. With Bayer and Graham Chapman, they picked up the men's prize.

Oxfordshire's other notable success was Simon Pritchard, of Banbury. His fine run of 1.13.09 brought him third overall.

Tony Lock was first past the post among the ten Witney Roadrunners who took part in the race, finishing an excellent sixth.