Vandals who attacked a children's playground have been condemned as mindless, writes Tim Hughes.

Members of Wantage Town Council were left fuming after 250 damage was caused to a rubberised safety surface at the town's Chestnut play area.

Part of the surface, which was laid earlier this year, was removed after being carved apart with a knife or other sharp object.

Mayor Jennie Hannaby said: "This is senseless vandalism that will cost the taxpayer. "Chestnut is a well-used play area and people are upset. When mindless idiots do things like this it is a shame for everyone else."

Clerk of the council Bill Falkenau said: "It is annoying because the safety surface is newly laid.

"A lot of money has been invested and it is sad that someone should treat it in this way."

The council hopes to complete the repairs this week.