Police have blamed warm summer weather for a wave of petty crime.

Officers investigating cases of theft and vandalism in Wantage last weekend have linked the crimes to high temperatures and August sunshine.

Police were called to the Baptist Church in Mill Street on Sunday after reports of vandalism and a smashed window. On Friday or Saturday, vandals also targeted King Alfred's Community and Sports College in Challow Road, damaging outdoor tables, a fire escape and wind chimes. On Saturday night a window was cracked at the Bradford and Bingley Adkin estate agents office in Newbury Street.

On Saturday, cash was stolen from the Stead & Simpson footwear store in Market Place, and a thief made off with a quantity of material from the Blanshard's fabric store in Wallingford Street.

Sgt John Vale, of Wantage police, said: "It was an unusually busy weekend with a lot of petty crime.

"There were a lot of people around, probably because of the mild weather."