An award-winning minor injuries unit has received a further pat on the back from its patients, writes David Horne.

The unit, based at the Witney's community hospital, won third place in this year's Nye Bevan Awards to recognise excellence in the NHS.

Now it has received a decisive thumbs-up from patients.

A satisfaction survey revealed 100 per cent backing for the service a response that has delighted co-ordinator Sarah Bright. She said: "The MIU is working well and provides a valuable contribution to healthcare in Oxfordshire."

Since it was set up in June 1999, more than 9,000 people have been treated for minor injuries, including broken bones, deep cuts, strains and sprains. and nose, ear and eye infections.

The patient survey was taken from a sample of 90 people treated at the unit. All were impressed by the speedy service 50 per cent of patients are seen and treated within 15 minutes. Many of the unit's patients would otherwise have turned up at GPs' surgeries, with the rest going to accident and emergency departments in Oxford and Banbury.

Ms Bright added: "Word is getting round about us. We now get patients from Wantage, Didcot, Chipping Norton and elsewhere in the county.

"We have even had patients phone us from the John Radcliffe accident and emergency department where they are obviously having to wait while more serious cases are dealt with. If demand grows, we shall need more staff here."