A motorcyclist was clocked doing 135mph by a speed camera the highest-ever recorded in Oxfordshire according to police.

An undercover police operation took place along the A4260, between Kidlington and Hopcrofts Holt, after allegations of reckless riding by motorcyclists.

Motorcycle enthusiasts meet every Monday at Sturdy's Castle pub. Their numbers soar during the summer, which prompted the police action. The rider, who has not been named, was clocked allegedly doing more than double the 60mph speed limit along the stretch of road last Monday.

Pc Phil Peters, who caught the rider with his hand-held speed gun, said: "It was overtaking other motorcycles and went past in a blur. The camera recorded the speed at 135mph and there was no sign of the rider slowing as the bike disappeared down the road."

A second speed check was carried out on Monday and during the two evenings a total of 20 riders were caught doing 70mph or more. Checks were also carried out on the A4095 between the Bladon roundabout and the A4260, and in Long Hanborough village.

A total of 58 motorists were also caught speeding in their cars.

The next step for those filmed exceeding the speed limit is a letter asking registered owners to confirm the riders' identities within 28 days.

They will then appear before Bicester or Banbury Magistrates' Court in the next few weeks charged with speeding offences. Insp Malcolm Collis, who heads the Safer Roads Campaign, added: "During the first seven months of this year, 22 people died in collisions involving motorcyclists in Thames Valley.

"Tragically, more than 30 people are killed or seriously injured every week on our roads and our aim is to make a substantial reduction in the number of casualties."

Michael Gallagher, who works at Sturdy's Castle pub, said the venue was very popular with motorcyclists on Mondays, particularly during the summer.

He said: "They have been coming here for years and there is never any trouble inside. "We have leaflets inside the pub giving advice on road safety, and we would deter anybody from breaking the speed limit."

Andrew Killick, manager of the Sturdy's Castle car centre, added: "Most motorcyclists who go there are in their 40s and 50s and riding is their hobby.

"Unfortunately there are one or two tearaways who think it's a laugh to speed."