There was disappointment for Oxford fans as Jimmy Nilsen withdrew from Saturday's Elite League Riders Championship at Coventry just a couple of hours before the start.

Nilsen aggravated a back injury in Cheetahs' win over Poole on Friday night.

Cheetahs' teammate Todd Wiltshire did line up and started like a train, easily winning his opening two rides.

However, due to the weather conditions over the previous few days, the track was very slick and it was a lottery of gate positions.

Wiltshire's third ride from gate three finished pointless and the racing was very processional, with even world champion Mark Loram unable to pass if he did not make the start.

A second and a third in his next two rides put the Oxford rider on nine points, the same as five other riders, but he qualified for the semi-final thanks to his previous heat wins. Although he made a good start from gate three, he could not keep the front wheel on the ground and was last into the first bend, ending his title hopes.

In the final, Peterborough's Ryan Sullivan was the surprise winner ahead of home favourite Greg Hancock, with Wolverhampton's Nicki Pedersen in third.