A world-famous unit for Alzheimer's disease is re-opening at its old home.

Leaders at Specal were left homeless when Burford Community Hospital was closed by health managers earlier this year.

The charity, which provides specialist care for patients and support for carers, has enough money to keep going for a year. And it is hoped a new primary care group due to take over from Oxfordshire Community Health Trust in April will help with funds.

Specal practitioner Penny Garner said the NHS withdrew financial backing when it closed Burford Hospital as part of a scheme to save 1.15m. Specal cut its services to a weekly lunch club at Shiltern Village Hall.

Mrs Garner said: "Within two weeks we went back to the NHS because we found that social services had been given a temporary lease at the old hospital and we asked to do the same."

Specal is now back at Burford on Tuesdays and Fridays.