Travellers left a makeshift site after householders dumped piles of rubbish on their doorstep.

The travellers had set up camp at Didcot's Station Road Industrial Estate car park, unaware it was used as a collection point for waste.

The travellers had been there for a week, unaware that on Saturday morning they would be surrounded by bags of garbage, usually collected by a community waste lorry and skip.

In the event, the council had to cancel the normal collection because of the travellers but the message did not get through to many householders who left car-loads of rubbish.

There was an angry exchange of words as travellers appeared to be annoyed at being awakened by residents.

The district council, which owns the car park, then issued a notice requiring the occupants to vacate the site by today. But by mid-morning on Saturday, the travellers decided to move on.

One householder said: "It's a bit rich that the travellers should have been so annoyed we were disturbing them after they camped here illegally."