Companies eager to win the Royal seal of approval for their drive and innovation have delighted organisers of The Queen's Awards for Enterprise 2001, writes Maggie Hartford.

Some 117 businesses in the Oxford postal area have so far applied for details of the awards which reward outstanding achievement in innovation, international trade and sustainable development.

The closing date for applications is October 31.

Queen's Awards secretary David Moore said he was particularly pleased by the level of interest in the new category of sustainable development, a key recommendation of last year's review chaired by Prince Charles.

Mr Moore said: "Sustainable development is described as that which meets the needs of the present without compromising the future.

"The fact that there has been such a good response in all categories but especially this new one is good news not just for business but also for future generations."

The awards are open to businesses, both large and small, which can demonstrate significant growth through innovation and resourcefulness of staff and management.

Last year almost half of the awards went to companies employing fewer than 50 people.

Queen's Awards do not simply recognise growth - they can also create it, said Mr Moore.

"Previous winners have found the award a valuable promotional and marketing tool in a highly competitive global market," he said.