A convicted rapist has been branded a danger to women and jailed for two years for harassing a former girlfriend.

Gerald Brookhouse, 39, of Home Close, Bampton, near Witney, had been sentenced to five years for the rape and kidnap of an ex-girlfriend in 1995.

After he was released he formed a relationship with Penelope Warner and moved into her flat in Aynho, near Banbury.

John Small, prosecuting, told Oxford Crown Court on Friday that Ms Warner became unhappy because Brookhouse was controlling her every move.

She asked him to move out and he agreed.

But on July 1 this year Brookhouse chased Ms Warner's stepfather and brother with a spade when she collected clothes from the flat.

Mr Small said on July 16 Brookhouse damaged her car when she would not answer the door to him. He immediately paid compensation to her employer.

Mr Small added Brookhouse continued to contact her even though she made it clear she wanted nothing more to do with him and police fitted a panic alarm in her flat.

Terence Woods, defending, said Brookhouse acknowledged his wrong-doing and had expressed great desire to change his behaviour.

Mr Woods added Brookhouse, who pleaded guilty to a charge of harassment, admitted his behaviour towards women he had relationships with was anti-social.

Judge Tom Corrie made a restraining order.