Tourists are being encouraged to explore England's Royal Heritage - by booking a holiday in Wantage.

The Vale of White Horse District Council has set out to attract more visitors to the town by promoting it as an alternative to better known tourist destinations, such as Stratford-upon-Avon and the Cotswolds.

The council has released a new guide to "Royal Wantage" describing it as the "Gateway to the Ridgeway".

The leaflet is aimed at long and short-term visitors to the area, and completes a set of three guides promoting the Vale's main tourist centres.

It promotes the town's historic links with King Alfred and its proximity to the Berkshire Downs.

Anthea Kemp, who researched the leaflet, said: "The aim is to persuade people that Wantage is an ideal base for a holiday or short break.

"The market town has a wonderful and rich history, as well as being surrounded by the most beautiful countryside with the potent symbol of the White Horse. Visitors are fascinated by its mystery."

Copies of the new leaflet are available from council offices, local libraries and tourist information centres.