It's a rare sight to see Madonna, Dusty Springfield and Elvis Presley all performing in the same show - but that's exactly what happened at a variety show.

Members of the Kidlington Theatre Group got together to organise the fundraising show, which took place in Exeter Hall.

The event was held to raise money for children's hospice Helen House and Douglas House, a new hospice for young people aged between 16 and 40 with terminal illnesses, which is due to be built in Leopold Street, east Oxford, later this year. The £3,500 raised has been divided equally between the two.

A string of performers took part in the event, including members of the Harlequin School of Dance and pupils at St Thomas More Primary School and Edward Feild School.

Organiser Malcolm Baker, a member of the Kidlington Theatre Group - who appeared as Elvis Presley during the show - said: "It was a brilliant night and everyone enjoyed it.

"It took a lot of co-ordination but people really pulled out the stops. We had 30 different acts including an Abba tribute band and ballerinas."

Last year a similar event was held and raised £2,500 for Helen House.