Primary school children were introduced to the wonders of modern science during a visit to laboratories as part of National Science Week.

Nine and ten-year-olds, from schools in Wallingford, Cholsey, Benson, Brightwell-cum-Sotwell and Warborough, were able to carry out a range of scientific experiments at Wallingford School, supervised by teacher Ricky Griggs.

One experiment involved adding acidic lemon juice and alkaline bicarbonate of soda to cabbage water and watching it change colour. Teacher Ruth Chapman, who took a group from St John's Primary School, Wallingford, said: "It was very well thought out.

"The children got to use some resources that primary schools simply do not have."

The children also learned about sound-wave oscilloscopes, and split a black ink-dot into its component colours using filter paper.

Mr Griggs demonstrated how a Bunson burner works by setting fire to a piece of magnesium.