The son of Home Secretary Jack Straw has criticised the Government's policy of bringing in tuition fees for university Students.

Oxford University student William Straw, who is the New College Junior Common Room president, wants to see the winners of the General Election reintroduce student grants to reduce the debts faced by graduates when they finish university.

William, who was fined £55 last month by the university for taking part in a sit-in protest over tuition fees, wrote an open letter that was published in yesterday's (sun) Observer.

He also feels it could be a factor in stopping the 'brain drain' of students going on to study at American institutions.

In the letter, William, who wrote in his capacity as co-chair of Oxford University Student Union's finance and funding committee, said: "The plight of UK students remains appalling with high levels of genuine poverty, and a worrying drop-out rate, often based on financial matters.

"In order to stop the flow to American institutions, the next Government, whoever they may be, should reconsider the case for the reintroduction of grants, and the abolition of tuition fees - measures which would be popular with students, parents, tutors, lecturers and many other members of society."

William, who signed the letter Will Straw, was in the news most recently for his plans to lead a rent strike at his college.

Students there have voted to withhold their rent in protest at a rise in rent.