The audience were very keen last Friday evening, especially as free cider was being dispensed to punters on their way in, writes Kate Hartshorn.

With the staff at the Bullingdon getting into the spirit of things by dressing up as farmers, the cider was flowing, and by the time The Worzels came on stage, the crowd were in good spirits.

There was a surprising mixture of people, everyone from rugby players and students to members of the farming community, making for a great atmosphere. Opening with their 70s classic I've Got a Brand New Combine Harvester (the original version), The Worzels proved that after 25 years in the music industry they can still hold and entertain an audience, and obviously still enjoy perfoming.

They continued through their set with songs like Threshing Machine and Drink up Thy Zider, the audience singing along with every word.

The Worzels proved that not only are they a 'national institution' and part of our culture, but they are also excellent musicians and down to earth people.

Their music has its roots in old farming songs and folk music, but with tongue in cheek lyrics and many references to 'Zider' drinking and farm yard machinery!

With the dance remix of I've got a Brand New Combine Harvester to be released later this year, with 50p of the proceeds going to farmers who have been hit by the foot and mouth crisis, The Worzels although never taking themselves that seriously, are keen to put something back into the farming communities around the country.

With that in mind, hopefully they will have another 25 years left in the business.