A former Witney mayor has joined the the argument over West Oxfordshire's decision to opt for a cabinet system of local government.

Arthur Titherington, who had been a long-serving district councillors, said the cabinet system was too costly and adopted in too much haste.

His comments came as a scheduled meeting of the cabinet was cancelled due to lack of business.

"Other councils in Oxfordshire are not tearing into it. Why did we?" Cllr Titherington asked.

"Could it be, as one member of the public put it, to make sure they were on the gravy train before anyone else?".

The change, which involved setting up a decision-making cabinet of seven councillors and scrutiny committees, came into force at the annual council meeting on April 25.

The leader, Barry Norton, receives an allowance of £17,900 a year, cabinet members £14,000 and other councillors £3,700.

The allowances, a fourfold hike on the previous bill for councillors, were recommended by a consultant.

West Oxfordshire's cabinet leader Barry Norton said: "Though there is no cabinet meeting this week, we will still be having informal briefings with senior officers."

An independent panel will meet in the autumn to review how the new system is working.