Thame United midfielder Chris Fontaine heads an impressive list of signings lined up by ambitious Abingdon Town.

Fontaine is to be club captain at Abingdon, whose manager Alan Thorne has also agreed terms with AFC Wallingford goal machine Ian Concannon and Carterton Town striker Paul Sherwood.

In addition, Town have enticed former Oxford City goalkeeper Mickey Torres out of retirement as they seek to make a promotion push in Ryman League Division 3 next term.

Chris Fontaine has joined Abingdon Town

Announcing the signings, Pete Lamont, Town's assistant manager and first team coach, said: "Chris Fontaine is coming in as club captain.

"Obviously Thame wanted him to stay there, but he was keen on working again with Alan and the fact that we offered him the captain's armband and that he can get involved in the coaching side as well is part of the lure.

"He didn't really want to leave Division 1 football, but we believe we are on the verge of turning things round at Abingdon.

"He is so bubbly it is unbelieavable. He is going to cajole and get the best out of players on the pitch."

And Lamont was also excited by Abingdon's other summer signings.

He added: "Paul Sherwood worked with Alan and myself at Thame, and he is an ideal player to have at that level. He is a 100 per centrer and scores goals. We are over the moon that we have got him.

"Ian Concannon scores goals for fun and we know that he had been talking to a couple of leading Hellenic League Premier clubs and we have managed to persuade him that he has got a better chance of realising his aims at Abingdon.

"Mickey Torres in his heyday was the best goalkeeper in the county and now he is fully recovered from injuries, and with a bit of training, we hope to get him back into that spot."

Town have also recruited Alan Bunting, who was Lamont's assistant when he was manager at Kidlington, as a scout.

Abingdon start training at the European School, Culham next Thursday. Any players interested should turn up at the club at 6.45.