Residents in Oxpens are ready to fight moves to build Oxford's new railway station on their doorstep, as two new reports spelled out the full implications for their community.

Oxford City Council has launched a major consultation exercise on Oxpens' future, with Railtrack warning that the city will lose out on important new Rail services if the new station is not built.

However, it is now clear that an Oxpens station would be the centrepiece of a transport interchange much larger than what is presently provided.

A study by planning consultants Colin Buchanan and Partners for Oxfordshire County Council, recommends a new road from Oxpens Road, which would be widened to include new bus lanes, a two-level railway station building and 470-space car park.

With the number of rail passengers boarding at Oxford expected to double to 12,000 a day and Virgin wanting to triple its services, residents say they are appalled at the traffic implications and the threat to green land near the Ice Rink.

Ms Barbara Raw, of Thames Street, said: "This is horrific. I fear that not too many people yet realise what is being proposed. I would like to know how long the County Council has had this Buchanan Report.

"The county council, having created a traffic-dominated wilderness next to the railway station, now proposes building a five-lane highway at Oxpens Bridge to bring 233 buses per hour through Norfolk Street."