Thousands of visitors are flocking to the first-ever Blenheim Palace Flower Show in Woodstock.

Visitors enjoy a marquee display

Organisers hope the annual event will become a must for gardeners from all over Britain and expect 10,000 visitors a day.

Palace administrator Nicholas Day said: "We always like to differentiate to provide quality days out for guests at Blenheim and the flower show seemed the right thing at the moment because gardening and horticulture are very much in the public eye.

"Our aim is for people to speak of the Chelsea, Hampton Court and Blenheim Flower Shows in the same breath."

The main attraction is a large marquee with floral displays from 60 nurseries, featuring everything from clematis, aceris and sweet peas to roses, African violets and salvias.

In another marquee, experts on gardening, wines and antiques are mixed with performances by the Guildhall Orchestra.

More than 100 trade exhibitors have stands outside, selling gardening furniture, tools and ornaments.

There are also five show gardens with water displays, a rockery, a garden made entirely of grape vines, a tree house village for grown-ups, an Egyptian garden and a village green complete with a bandstand, maypole and pub.

The show is open daily until Sunday from 10am to 6pm. Tickets cost £10 for adults, £8.50 for senior citizens and £3 for children (aged five-15 years). Family tickets cost £24. The ticket hotline is 0115 912 9000.

Picture: Antony Moore