An experimental dance show that explores "emotional landscapes" is coming to the Pegasus Theatre.

Ten members of dance company Cafe Reason perform Guess Station on Friday and Saturday, June 22-23 at the theatre, in Magdalen Road, east Oxford, from 8pm.

The show is an example of Butoh dance theatre, an avant-garde art form started in 1960s Japan.

Cast members during a rehearsal

Guess Station includes a video of somebody's mouth, the use of shadows on a white screen, and dancers pretending to 'drip off a table'," said Jeannie Donald, who is directing the hour-and-a-half show.

She said: "It's five different takes on the theme of gestation.

"It's experimental dance theatre.

"It's trying to give free expression to emotional landscapes."

Tickets are £6.50 and £4.50 concessions. Call the box office on 01865 722851.

*Cafe Reason meets on Fridays between 7.30pm and 9.30pm at Bloomin Arts, behind the East Oxford Community Centre, Cowley Road.

Call Mrs Donald on 01865 240 697 for more information.

**Picture: Andy Cooper