Horton Hospital nurse Michelle Woodmason's work with prisoners has been recognised nationally.

Mrs Woodmason, 36, has been commended in the section for nurses working in prisons in the Nurse 2001 awards.

Michelle Woodmason She has been working at Bullingdon Prison, near Bicester, for the past three years.

Mrs Woodmason explained: "It is the first time nurses in prisons have been eligible for the awards, so I'm very pleased.

"The award has been partly given to me because of my initiative in starting counselling prisoners over HIV and hepatitis. I am also working with prison officers to help them deal with prisoners with the two diseases."

In addition, she has begun working with families to enable them to cope when prisoners are released back into the community.

Mrs Woodmason, who lives in Bicester, was a nurse at Horton Hospital, Banbury, and Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, before joining the prison service.

The Nurse 2001 awards are sponsored by the Royal College of Nursing and Nursing Standard magazine. Presentations are made in London on October 30.

**Picture: George Reszeter