Two three-day-event Olympic medal winners will be helping to fight leukaemia at the Only Fools Fun Run on Sunday, September 9, at Blenheim Palace, Woodstock.

Three day eventers Leslie Law and Jeanette Brakewell - both silver medallists at the Olympic Games in Sydney - will help fun runner Sophia Hopkinson raise more than £1,300 for the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust.

The annual fun run is part of the Blenheim Petplan International Horse Trials sponsored by the Oxford Mail's sister paper, the Oxford Times, and is expected to more than 500 runners.

They will tackle four miles of the cross country section, clambering over the jumps, slithering down grassy banks and splashing through the lake.

Mr Law, who hopes to compete at Blenheim, said, "Jeanette and I fully support the wonderful work of the Anthony Nolan Trust.

"We always look forward to the run on the last day at Blenheim. It's great fun and a brilliant way of helping people who really need it."

The run is open to anyone over the age of fourteen and the advance entry fee of £8.00 per person includes admission to the Horse Trials with a guest.

The run starts at 12.45pm. To join in call 01865 875758.