AMERICAN motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson is among six companies to take space at Oxford Business Park -- site of the old Cowley car works founded by William Morris in 1930.

Other names moving into the park include BT, the Government's new National Care Standards Commission (NCSC), Genzyme Corporation, DCA Distribution, and Blackwell Publishing.

Harley-Davidson is re-locating its European headquarters to Oxford and will take a 32,137sq ft building from site owners Arlington.

The company will bring 65 staff from its former offices in Windsor and Brackley when the building is completed in March 2002.

BT will move between 350 and 390 people into a 50,000sq ft office next January. The building will house sales and network support services and a call centre.

General manager Malcolm Johnson said: The business park meets our corporate requirements in every way, being within easy distance of the university's laboratories and science campus."

Government agency NCCS, the regulatory body overseeing standards at care homes for elderly people and children, and voluntary healthcare and adoption agencies, has taken an 8,089sq ft office.

International logistics company DCA Distribution moved into 5,647sq ft offices at Oxford Business Park in June.

Blackwell Publishing, the company formed by merging Blackwell Science and Blackwell Publishers, has taken a 63,00sq ft office at the park and will re-locate from offices on Cowley Road and Osney Mead at the end of next year.