Business leaders in Oxfordshire are to be quizzed on how they are being affected by the introduction of the euro.

Thames Valley Chamber of Commerce is to survey senior committee members in the county to assess the impact of the new currency on local business.

Chamber policy manager Bill McCardle said: "The most recent survey we have done of business views on the euro looked at whether or not our members thought it should be introduced in the UK.

"That showed opinion was equally divided between those who were in favour and those against.

"But, since that survey, the euro has become a reality in Europe and we're keen to assess the impact it's having.

"This snapshot survey will help us assess the effect of the euro on importers and exporters and on businesses here whose customers may want to use it."

As well as gauging the opinions of its members, the chamber also wants to hear from local companies who have been affected by currency's launch. Call Mr McCardle on 01635 36702 or e-mail him at