Cumnor parish councillors have put together a package of safety measures aimed at improving safety on a busy stretch of road at Farmoor.

They hope the proposals will tackle the problem of speeding motorists on the B4044, between Farmoor filling station and Swinford toll bridge, near Eynsham.

Parish council chairman Dr Philip Hawtin said he hoped the proposals would be included on a wish list for future consideration.

He said: "We're trying to avoid gesture politics.

"Putting up 30mph signs will not stop speeding, and the police simply haven't got the resources to enforce them.

"People still drive down the Eynsham Road and treat the junction as a dare, with drivers from Cumnor emerging on to the roundabout.

"This is the issue which causes us most concern."

The council's proposals include reducing the 60mph limit to 50mph for traffic approaching Farmoor from Oxford, replacing the 40mph restriction with an advisory limit of 25mph to slow drivers' speeds on tight bends beyond Farmoor, and moving the 30mph limit from the toll bridge to nearer Farmoor to allow more time for drivers to slow down.

Arshad Khan, highways engineer for the county's south west area, said it was likely to be some time before the department came up with an agreed package of measures.

He said: "I had a site meeting with the parish council, but we haven't agreed anything yet, and it would be premature to comment at this stage."