Thames Water's plans for a new reservoir between Abingdon and Wantage are due to be discussed tomorrow at meetings of the Vale of White Horse District Council's south east area forum and committee.

Villagers worried about the continuing uncertainty over the proposed reservoir, on land between Drayton, Steventon and East Hanney, have been pressing the district council to seek more information from Thames Water.

Ten years ago the company announced that it was examining options to increase supplies to meet growing demand for water in the South East. One suggestion was a reservoir in south west Oxfordshire.

Eight years ago the idea was shelved after local opposition and calls from the Environment Agency for Thames Water to reduce the amount of water lost through leaks.

But last year the reservoir plan resurfaced as one of the company's "favoured options " and is still being considered, although no planning application has been submitted.

Thames Water says it understands the concerns of residents but says it has to plan more than 15 years ahead.

The Oxfordshire reservoir is one of several options being examined in the search for new supplies. Other ideas being examined are de-salination and drilling new boreholes to tap into ground water under London.

At tonight's meetings, at 7.30pm in Harwell village hall, councillors are expected to press for the water company to explain its plans at a public meeting later this year.