Drivers, bus passengers, pedestrians and cyclists will all benefit from a £8.7m road improvement scheme in Banbury, which will transform the traffic system of the town.

Oxfordshire County Council plans to turn Hennef Way into a dual carriageway, reconstruct South Bar, Banbury Cross, Horsefair and North Bar and provide better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists.

The work in Hennef Way, costing £5.2m, will begin after Easter and should ease congestion to and from the M40. Work to remove undergrowth in advance of the bird nesting season has already begun.

Colin Baird, a project engineer, said the impact on traffic during the work would be minimal. He said: "Towards the end of the job, in late summer 2003, there may be some weeks of disruption, but we plan to keep traffic moving."

"As well as improving journeys for drivers in Hennef Way itself, the scheme will also bring benefits to residents of Grimsbury and Middleton Road, reduce congestion at the Bridge Street traffic lights and improve bus service relia- bility."

The work on other roads will strengthen old and weak road surfaces. The council also plans changes to street parking and more bus and cycle lanes.