Families in west Oxford have rallied to support their neighbourhood shopkeeper, after an early morning arson attack almost cost him his business.

Manager Hussain Shah, 26, said it was a stroke of luck the fire was spotted.

As reported in the late edition of yesterday's Oxford Mail, vandals piled plastic crates outside Millers Stores, Pinnocks Way, Dean Court, Botley, and set them alight.

The flames set light to the UPVC door, creating a large hole, and the arsonists also smashed three holes in the reinforced glass window of the door.

Detectives are following up information that a dark blue car was spotted driving away from the area shortly after neighbours heard a loud bang at 5am yesterday.

The alarm was raised by a resident who rushed across the road to put the fire out before it took hold.

The extent of damage to the store was not discovered until staff arrived at about 7am.

He said: "The fire had already to started to burn the carpet behind the door.

"If it had taken hold inside, the whole place would have gone up."

A family with four children lives in a flat above the store.

The attack has angered residents who said the shop was a lifeline for the community, many of whom are elderly.

Pippa Sandford, of Eynsham Road, said: "I'm furious.

"People can come here to pay their gas and electricity rather than go all the way into Botley on the bus, which only runs once an hour. We have a lot of elderly people around here, so it's a lifeline for them."

Philip Cavanagh, of Pinnocks Way, said: "It's disgusting. I use the shop every day -- it's like having your type of corner shop which is open all hours."

Neighbour Chris Travis, added: "It's a godsend and a lifeline which we all support."