Plans to investigate how spending on concessionary travel fares for pensioners can be cut have been met with an angry reaction.

Age Concern and pensioners are vigorously opposed to the Vale of White Horse District Council project.

But the authority has defended the review, saying money will still get to needy pensioners and no cuts will be made this year.

The council has approved a 6.5 per cent council tax increase, but still needs to find more than a million-pounds-worth of cuts.

One of several savings to be examined is reducing money from the concessionary fares budget, which some councillors claim is open to abuse with tokens getting into the hands of people other than pensioners.

But Mary Daniel, the executive officer of Age Concern Oxfordshire, said: "It is very sad that once again the most vulnerable and isolated in society have to be worried about an important issue.

"Many depend on the scheme so that they can get about. Surely money for the scheme is the least a council can do? It's little enough as it is."

Pensioner Joe Bricknell, 85, from Radley Road, Abingdon, said he was "disgusted" by the council's proposals. He added: "The bus pass is a great help to me and thousands of pensioners."

The council needs to save more than a million pounds because of a short-fall in Government support and a reduction in interest from its investments.

It hopes to save £200,000 on concessionary bus fares, which cost it £730,000 a year.

Cllr Bob Johnston said the system was getting "long in the tooth" and needed revising.