Care staff at an old people's home are holding a fundraising dance -- to feed its cats, Friday and Tabitha.

Pauline Moffatt, head of care at Ladygrove House, Didcot, who is organising the 1960s and '70s dance at the civic hall, hopes there will also be enough money raised to spend at least £500 on much-needed new garden furniture for the 39 residents.

"The cats which have been part of the home for eight years certainly don't starve," said Miss Moffatt.

"But they cost at least £300 a year in cat food and depend on the generosity of staff and some of the residents."

The dance will be held on May 24. Tickets, priced £6.50 including a hot roll, are on sale at the civic hall and at Ladygrove House, Britwell Road.

Alternatively, call 01235 816362.