A road closure in Oxford has left three dozen villagers feeling baffled and bemused.

The city council has warned the ten households in Binsey to find an alternative route home during the coming week -- even though there is only one road in and out of the hamlet.

The advance notice of highway repairs to Binsey Lane was put up on a post halfway down the lane last week, only days before the workmen moved in.

Residents are faced with walking more than a mile to Botley Road -- or making their way across the Bullstake and Seacourt streams of the River Thames.

The Perch Inn assistant manager Hannah Schermer said: "We've had a few in today, but I think it will affect our trade."

Resident Alison Cobb said: "The notice has only been there for one week, which seems slightly cheeky."

Fortunately she and husband, Stephen, a former Oxford rowing blue, have a boat.

Council technical support manager Andrew Burchett apologised for indicating there was an alternative route and pledged it would do all it could to help residents.