Angry workers on the production line at BMW's Mini plant in Cowley claim they are still being short-changed in their pay packets.

One claims he is being paid a day less than he is owed, leaving him about £70 down a week.

Problems with the payroll stretch back to before Christmas when a new computerised system was introduced that led to some staff not being paid at all.

Manpower, the agency which employs the majority of people on the production line, said then that the problems were being fixed, but some workers insist they are still continuing.

The worker said: "There is something odd going on as they always withhold part of my salary until the next week. When I telephone Manpower they now put the telephone down on me."

BMW admits there was a problem last Friday with salaries.

Spokesman Angela Wigley said: "Regretfully a small number of people employed by Manpower experienced errors in their pay last week.

"We are working closely with the agency to correct the problems."

A statement from Manpower said: "We now have a dedicated payroll team, which we have put into place as a preventative measure.

"It is our role as an employer at the BMW site to ensure that everyone is looked after and treated well.

"It would be counter-productive for us to treat our staff badly."