Abingdon District Chamber of Commerce will fold unless enough volunteers step forward, members have warned.

There are five vacancies on the committee following the resignations of five members, including president, vice-president and secretary.

President Jill Rayner, former owner of the bi-monthly Market Place magazine, run in conjunction with the chamber, has taken on extra work commitments. She works out of Faringdon and said she was unable to devote sufficient time to the needs of the chamber.

Mrs Rayner, the chamber's first woman president, said: "The chamber is facing an uncertain future and it is imperative that new members come forward to keep the organisation alive.

"If the chamber does not find the appropriate people to run it, there is a possibility that it will eventually flounder. Unless we find replacements, the chamber will have no influence on decisions that affect the future of Abingdon. It is vital that we are represented, otherwise business interests will be ignored."

Vice-president Kevin Clare, who runs the sports and camping shops Touchwoods in Abingdon and Oxford, is retiring on health grounds. Also leaving are two other long-serving members, John Shepherd and Peter Tothill, who have retired from their businesses.

All three will continue to be available in advisory roles.

Mr Clare said it was important that the chamber continued to exert an influence on the future of Abingdon.

He said the town had been experiencing difficulties with shop closures was optimistic about the future. "We are in limbo at the moment as the new transport strategy gets underway. We have to be patient," he said.

The annual meeting takes place next Thursday at 6.30pm in The Four Pillars Hotel.