THE new High Sheriff of Oxfordshire, Brigadier Nigel Mogg, was sworn in during a ceremony at Oxford Crown Court.

Brigadier General Nigel Mogg

Four judges, the Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire and Lord Mayor of Oxford were present in Court One on Wednesday, March 27, as was the outgoing sheriff, Lady McLintock.

The office of High Sheriff of Oxfordshire dates back to the year 995 and is the oldest continuous secular office under the Crown.

Brig Mogg, appointed Deputy Lieutenant of Oxfordshire in 1998, spent his career in The Royal Green Jackets and is chairman of the Oxfordshire Committee of the South East Reserve Forces and Cadets Association.

The Chaplain to the High Sheriff for the coming year will be the Rev Martin Garner, Rector of Ewelme, Brightwell Baldwin and Cuxham with Easington.