A compromise has been reached over the St George's Day parade and service by scouts in Wallingford.

Town councillors were furious when district scouts commissioner Chris Burnell told them the traditional service at St Mary's Church that follows the parade would be scrapped.

He planned to have the annual march through the town centre, followed by a barbecue at Wallingford School.

Councillors claimed this was "dumbing down" the whole parade and its significance to the town.

But a compromise has now been reached with the scouts agreeing to hold a rededication service at the school, not the church.

Town mayor Theresa Jordan will take the salute in the Market Place in her robes at the parade. She will then attend the service and talk to the scouts out of her robes. There will still be a barbecue afterwards.

Mr Burnell said he had been disappointed at the council's reaction to his initial plans. He added that, with more than 400 people taking part, the traditional service at St Mary's was always too crowded.

He said: "Scouting is not a specifically Christian organisation. The service we have at Wallingford School will have Christian elements in it but it will have an international flavour as well. The closing prayers will come from scouts in our link town of Wallingford, Connecticut.

"There was never a political or religious agenda behind the change -- it was for the youngsters them- selves."

He said he was delighted the mayor would be attending the parade on Sunday, April 28.

It will set off from the cattle market car park.