A wish list of improvements the residents of Oxford's Rose Hill estate want to see has emerged from a survey by the city council.

Action to cut crime and disorder was the top priority for residents, who said they wanted car theft and speeding, and drug taking and dealing, tackled.

Housing was also a key concern, according to the results of the Planning For Real survey, organised by the city council's neighbourhood renewal unit.

Hot spots for crime were identified and included Ashurst Way, The Oval and the playing fields behind Rose Hill First School. Residents have called for better policing.

But they said housing problems needed to be tackled before any sense of community could be restored to the area. Residents at the latest meeting of the council's Iffley/Leys area committee said they were not yet convinced that much would come from the survey.

John Thorne, who has lived in Rose Hill for 45 years, said: "The drugs problem here needs to be dealt with, and soon. If you address this problem, you will knock out crime in the area. But nothing ever comes of these studies. Everything is always swept under the carpet."

George Cooper, who has lived in the area for 37 years, said: "So many of these surveys have been carried out. They all turn out different answers.

"The problem is the community spirit has gone here and that's down to the number of boarded-up houses and temporary tenants who are less bothered about looking after the place."

Rose Hill councillor Bill Buckingham urged residents to be patient, but added that the community had changed over the years. He said: "I don't know quite how we will get things back to the way it was."

The council's tenants' support worker, Jaz Kundi, said: "Now that we have this report, it means we can use it to attract funding.

"We must identify priorities, then look at how we could tap into different sources of funding that might be able to tackle the problems."

No financial commitments have yet been made to improving the estate, which has been described as one of the most run down in southern England.

Community safety officer Pc John Mulloy will talk to residents about crime on the estate at a meeting on Thursday, April 25, at Rose Hill Family Centre, The Oval, from 1pm.