Four teenagers have been sent to a young offenders' institution for their part in a series of robberies.

Mark Duffy, 17, who admitted four charges of robbery and two of attempted robbery, and Peter Pennington, 18, who admitted three charges of robbery and two of attempted robbery -- both of Marsh Road, Cowley -- were both sentenced to three years by Oxford Crown Court.

Scott Shorter, 18, of Luther Court, Oxford, received 18 months after admitting robbery. Jason Taylor, 18, of Kelburne Road, Cowley, was given an 18-month detention and training order after admitting robbery and attempted robbery,

Sentencing them, Judge Paul Clark said: "There were threats of violence, metal bars carried, a pool cue carried, your heads were covered and a wheel brace was thrown. Muggers and robbers should be looking forward to years in prison."

The court heard the robberies took place over eight days in January. Firstly, Pennington grabbed Sarah Kreindler's handbag near Friars Wharf, Oxford, while Shorter stood nearby carrying a pool cue.

Duffy and Taylor, who had metal bars and wore scarves on their faces, then robbed Matthew Braddock of a wallet and mobile phone in Girdlestone Road, Headington. Taylor, Pennington and Duffy then attempted to rob Sean Mills in Headington.

Duffy and Pennington then robbed David Headon of a rucksack and mobile phone in South Park, Oxford.

Another man was then targeted by Duffy, Pennington and a group of others in South Park. He ran, but was hit on the shoulder.

Duffy, Pennington and three others also stole three mobile phones in Kennington.

In mitigation, it was said that Pennington was leading a "chaotic" lifestyle after being told to leave home, while Duffy was living rough and was short of money.

Taylor, the court heard, succumbed to peer pressure while Shorter had suffered an "appalling" upbringing.