Businesses in Oxfordshire are being given extra time to sign up for the county's premier business event.

The deadline for entries to the 2002 Oxfordshire Business Awards has been extended to April 30.

Last year's event attracted 200 entries -- a record number -- and it is hoped this year's figure will exceed that.

The categories are: best website, sponsored by Torex and Darbys; customer care, sponsored by Four Pillars Hotel and Fox FM; developing people, sponsored by Grant Thornton and the Learning and Skills Council for Milton Keynes, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire; innovation sponsored by Oxford Innovation and the Oxford Mail's sister paper, The Oxford Times; new business, sponsored by Lloyds TSB and Business Link: Oxfordshire business person of the year 2002 and Oxfordshire business of the year 2002.

One of the organisers, Stephen Dexter, of business advisers Grant Thornton, said: "The message to firms wanting to enter is to hurry up. If you are proud of what your business has achieved in certain areas this year, then don't delay."

Entry forms can be obtained by calling 01865 811193, or by accessing

Forms should be returned to Mr Dexter at: Oxfordshire Business Awards 2002, 1 Westminster Way, Oxford OX2 0PZ, by Tuesday, April 30.