One of Abingdon's two remaining old coaching inns, the Crown and Thistle Hotel in Bridge Street, is undergoing a £500,000 refurbishment programme.

The new owner, Malik Mushtaq, said: "This is a wonderful old hotel that forms an important part of Abingdon. We are bringing the hotel up to date, while at the same time retaining its old character."

Mr Mushtaq, 64, bought the hotel in February from the Scottish and Newcastle brewery for £1.3m.

He said: "This is a challenge but I am determined to restore this old property. I am committed to the hotel's revival and the town of Abingdon."

All 19 bedrooms are being refurbished with en suite facilities. The main restaurant has been closed for a month but will reopen on Thursday, April 18. The Stocks Bar is in line for refurbishment later this year.

A feature of the Crown and Thistle is its cobbled courtyard. Project manager Peter St Lawrence said: "The cobbled courtyard is an outstanding feature of the hotel and will be retained.

"We want to turn it into a seated area and, to make it safer, traffic will be barred from coming through the courtyard."

The Crown and Thistle is believed to have been built in the early 1600s.