A scheme to modernise Eynsham's ancient Market Square is going ahead, despite a protest petition.

Work has now started on digging up the Tarmac and repaving the Square in York stone. Black bollards will also be installed. The work should be finished by the end of June.

In a public exhibition of the scheme, 50 residents commented favourably, but 63 people signed a petition against it.

Protest organiser Joan Weedon, of Clover Place, Eynsham, said: "I know that notices about the scheme were put through letter boxes in the village, but people just throw those away. I don't think enough people in the village knew what was involved.

"The whole thing is so crazy. They only had to put yellow lines down. It would have done the same job."

The scheme is costing about £130,000, with West Oxfordshire District Council footing the lion's share of £90,000 and the county and parish councils sharing the rest.

The aim is to make the area safer for pedestrians and provide a clearly defined roadway for buses, traffic and parking.

Parish clerk Jackie Heath said: "There was lots of consultation. Everyone had their opportunity to comment and it was clear to us that the majority of people wanted it to go ahead. it is going to look beautiful when finished."

The scheme should be finished in time for this year's Eynsham Carnival.