The rat run road where a four-year-old girl was knocked down earlier this year has been closed.

Kash Hunt was hit by a motorist outside her home in Freelands Road, off Donnington Bridge Road, Oxford, in April.

She suffered a deep cut running from the front to the back of her head, which required plastic surgery, and severe bruising. The motorist left the scene of the accident.

Drivers use Freelands Road as a short cut to avoid traffic lights at the junction between Iffley Road and Donnington Bridge Road despite a no-entry sign.

Kash's mother, Anna Hunt, 28, appealed for measures to stop drivers using the road in the wake of the accident and on Thursday she got her wish.

She said: "I'm very pleased that they have taken some action to do something about it.

"That accident happened to my daughter and the same thing could have happened to anyone else's children."

Oxfordshire County Council has put bollards across the road to prevent through traffic.

County councillor David Robertson, executive member for transport and highways, said: "It was always the county council's intention to close the road to through-traffic but, tragically, Kash was knocked down before the traffic order could be implemented."

He added: "Now that Freelands Road is closed we hope that it will be much safer for residents."